Could taking part in surveys really earn you cash?

I'm talking about Pure Profile, which is a great little money spinner. However, you do have to put the time and dedication in to set up your profile in a way that fits the particular businesses target market.

Some surveys only take a few minutes and then others can sometimes take an hour [the loading of every page on surveys takes most of the time] - But when thinking about it you can be paid anywhere from 20p to £3. Just from sitting in the comfort of your own home.

You can redeem the money you've earnt once you hit the £25 and it goes straight into your bank account and I an honestly say Pure Profile is the only online survey company that has caught my attention and kept me wanting more. It was only yesterday that I was filling in a survey about McDonalds toys.

Wanna give it a try, click here to register and start earning a bit of extra cash.